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A Two-In-One Fund-A-Need

Lift Us Up and Keep Us Rolling


Lift Us Up…

A Strength & Conditioning Coach will be on staff by Fall of 2023 who will benefit the wellness of all students.  Coach will teach a Weightlifting and Conditioning class as part of the Health & Fitness Department and be an integral part of every Lancer athletic team’s training program.  Speed, endurance, weightlifting, and nutrition are all important components of a healthy individual.  Help us with the “heavy lifting” so our student-athletes can train to be the best version of themselves!


…And Keep Us Rolling

The Music Department needs a trailer to safely transport expensive musical instruments and gear for their off-site performances and events.  In true Lancer fashion, the trailer will not only be customized to fit the Music Department’s specific needs, but the exterior will be decked out in full Lancer colors promoting #BeALancer wherever they roll!


Show your support of our students by helping to fund our Two-In-One - two great projects at one time!

Donations are 100% tax deductible

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Fund-A-Need $10,000 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $5000 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $2500 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $1000 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $500 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $250 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $100 $0.00

I would like to make a donation


Thank You to our Generous Sponsors